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Acquired Salary Consulting

Professional Business Consultant, Career Coaching, & Salary Negotiations

Business Consulting

Acquired Salary's Business Consulting approach encompasses a meticulous Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis. Through this method, we pinpoint high-impact activities and actively engage in executing them. Our services encompass refining investment strategies, strategic planning, process improvement, and multi-perspective problem solving across various industries. Trust us to deliver tailored solutions that optimize your business's potential.  If you love working with us the opportunities do not stop there if it is the right fit we can become your small business growth partner.

Career Coaching Strategy

Acquired Salary's career coaching strategy involves a comprehensive assessment of your strengths and career goals to create a customized plan. We provide ongoing support and guidance to empower you to succeed through job search assistance, resume writing, interview coaching, and networking strategies. With our coaching, you'll gain confidence and skills to make the most of your professional journey and achieve your career goals.

Salary Negotiation Strategy

Acquired Salary has experience with negotiating higher salaries in any and all industries. No matter what stage of your career you are in, we believe that with proper research, techniques, strategy and coaching we can get you a higher offer or raise. Whether you are wanting to work with a startup company or start your career with a global company, we will teach you the best negotiating techniques so you can get paid what you are worth. Below are the negotiating strategies we teach you so you can be successful when negotiating your salary.

Market Research

Get help from a professional around data and information about your target market. With the correct market research we can help you determine the strategies and tactics for driving business growth, career success or negotiating a higher salary.

Custom-Negotiation Templates

We have customizable templates that will help you stay organized, give you talk tracks, maintain goals, and keep your strategies in front of you at all times. 

Resume Review

Getting your resume reviewed is a great investment if you are looking for more money. Constructing a resume is difficult. We want to help you articulate your accomplishments to prove your worth all while keeping it clear and concise.

Strategy Discussion

During our strategy discussion we will share our findings from the market research, recommend which templates would be great with your personality, and then help you formulate a complete strategy to negotiate a higher salary. 

Negotiation Coaching

With our negotiating coaching we will give you the industries latest and greatest tactics to secure the paycheck / salary you want. We provide negotiation simulations so you are prepared for every obstacle. 

Salary Negotiation Program

Learn how to become a professional negotiator. We can teach you how to properly do market research, apply different negotiation strategies, give you 1 on 1 coaching, provide custom made templates and more. We are interested in getting to know you and help you grow.

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Negotiation Consulting

Get direct help with our different consulting options. We can help with personal consults, salary negotiation, training, sales negotiation, simulations, procurement, and business negotiations. Schedule your appointment today and learn more.

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           Career Coach

As a career coach we are professionals who help people with their jobs/ career choices. We give advice and support you no matter what stages of your careers you are in. We can help if you are just starting out all the way to nearing retirement.

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Types of Negotiations

Most Common Negotiating Types

Distributive Negotiation

This can be thought of as negotiating a piece to a whole pie. it can be used in labor negotiations, sales, and any other situation where the negotiating parties are trying to divvy up things of value.

Integrative Negotiation

With integrative negotiation you have the highest chances of a win-win scenario. During these types of negotiations you have potential to make trade-offs when comparing them to issues and using that to build value.

Team Negotiation

These negotiation scenarios are exactly what it seems. Both parties are made up of teams. Examples include: union contracts, major business negotiations etc.

Multi-Party Negotiations

For multiple party negotiations you have different parties all negotiating a certain scenario. That can mean municipal projects and or internal negotiations. 


This is a type of negotiation in which parties have no intention of continuing to work together.

Types of Career Coach

Most Common Coaching Types

General Career Coach

These coaches provide guidance and support to individuals who want to make a career change, explore new career paths, or advance their current careers.

Executive Coach

These coaches work with executives and senior leaders to help them develop their leadership skills, manage teams more effectively, and achieve their professional goals.

Carer Transition and Job Search Coach

These coaches specialize in helping individuals who are going through major career transitions, such as returning to work after a long absence, changing careers, or retiring. They assist job seekers with developing resumes and cover letters, preparing for interviews, and navigating the job market.

Entrepreneurship Coaches

These coaches work with individuals who want to start their own businesses or who are already entrepreneurs, helping them with everything from developing business plans to marketing and sales strategies.

Skills-Based Coaches

These coaches focus on developing specific skills, such as public speaking, time management, or networking.

Salary Negotiation Tips

Know your Worth

  • Do research on salary rates in your industry
  • Research salary rates for your specific area
  • Look up salary rates for your specific skill-set

Factor in Perks & Benefits

  • Flexible days off
  • Work from home options
  • retirement and savings plan

Start Higher

When you know a range and are debating whether to start high or low, always start higher. From there you can negotiate from what you are comfortable making.


Do not just go in a salary negotiation without a solid plan in place. Practicing scripts, pauses,  and speech patterns are ways you can get a much higher pay grade.

Get 10 extra tips FREE

Self Awareness & Negotiating

Self-awareness means knowing your very own values, needs, habits, emotions, weaknesses, strengths, and so much more. At Acquired Salary we help you become more self-aware. Seeking professional assistance is a great source for receiving feedback and getting a bigger picture of who you are as a person and then utilizing that knowledge for your negotiations. 

How Self-Awareness Makes You Effective:

  • Skill Development
  • Exploit Strengths & Cope with your Weaknesses
  • Developing Decision Making Skills
  • Motivation
  • Leadership

Book an appointment with our Career Coach or salary negotiation experts today!

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Meet the Coaches

Seth Carlson

Head Consultant

Negotiating salary was something that came natural to me. It started with negotiating my own personal salary. From there co-workers asked how I was able to get an increase in my pay and so I decided to help them as well. As the success stories continued to happen I quickly realized the passion I had for not only negotiating, but also helping others get what they are worth.

The negotiation experience allowed me to develop a deep understanding of business fundamentals. This is key as we approach business consulting and executive coaching  at Acquired Salary through  fundamental first problem solving. It all sounds simple in theory, but the nuance comes in the execution.  Through these techniques we have helped fortune 500 companies save over 17 million dollars as well as developed comprehensive plans for the future directions and investments.

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Five Steps to Your Success

Contact Us

First step to increasing your salary is to contact us.


Make an Appointment

Either fill out our form, schedule a time on your own, or give us a call and let's get you on the calendar.


Consultation Call

Our next step in the process is to have a free consultation call where we learn more about you and talk about your goals.


Profile Analysis

We then deep dive specifically into your profile and start doing research in the industry so we can help you navigate your career.


Follow Up

At the end of the journey we set an appointment so we can go over your results to make sure you are completely satisfied.

Do You Want a Successful Life?

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Successful Stories

They educated me on what I should be paid and helped me negotiate a 42.44% salary increase and an additional 10 days of PTO.

Alexandra Hus

I unknowingly accepted an underpaid position out of desperation. Luckily Acquired Salary backed my negotiation with data that earned me my market salary with a 57.14% salary increase.

Mckenna Froncek

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